About Me

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I'm currently teaching English in Japan and traveling when I can. I don't want to forget anything. So, I try to blog. This is my life.

Friday, January 16, 2009

17 Days and counting

I have been planning to start this blog for quite a while now. A few times, I even sat down and attempted to think of what to write for my first entry. However, I just couldn't think of anything great or super insightful to say. I felt like the first blog should be something interesting, something worth reading. Well, I still haven't come up with anything, so it's time to just give in I think. I am kind of excited to start blogging. I used to do it a few years ago. Xanga was the cool thing at Evangel when I first started there. Everyone was doing it. I have to say, it is fun to look back at all of those entries and see what was in my head during that time of my life. Before Xanga, I used to journal. Not as much as I would have liked, but I do have a few notebooks full of entries.

I am moving to Japan in 17 days. That still doesn't seem possible, but it will soon be my new reality. I had to say my first goodbye the other day and it hit me that I will be saying a lot of those over the next few weeks. Goodbyes are not my favorite. But, I think this whole Japan thing came at just the right time for me.

It's amazing the twists and turns and changes that come along with life. I am a planner. I enjoy looking at a calendar full of everything that I have going on and plan on doing. I like to know when things are going to happen, and how long I may have to wait for those things to happen. However, I am learning that MY plan is not always THE plan. I think one of my biggest lessons the past few months is the "lean not on your own understanding" part of trust. I don't understand why some things have happened the way they have, I don't understand why God opened this door to Japan, I don't understand exactly what my future holds. But, I do finally understand that I don't need to understand. I'm not sure if that makes sense to anyone outside of my head, that was a lot of understands in one paragraph!

Anyway, I don't know how many people will actually read this blog. My guess is not many. I have a pretty bad memory, so I want to write my experiences so that I can look back and remember things I may have forgotten. I also want to have a way to share my experiences with my family and friends. So, this may not be the most interesting blog, but it's mine. :)


  1. Hi Kim...I will try to keep watching - I blog, too: www.judysnotes.wordpress.com. I hope you keep us up on what is going on in Japan. My mom loves it there - she's spend a lot of time there in the past years. Love ya! Judy:)

  2. I'm so glad you're doing this. This way I'll be sure to keep up what's going on with you. I miss you like crazy.. really wish I would have had a chance to see you before you go to Japan. I wish you the best of luck and know you will do great. You are an amazing person. Love ya girl.

  3. My dear sweet Kim,

    Ok, so I am on facebook now. Can you believe it! Dad and I are so proud of you and the choices you have made in your life. I am excited for you to get to Japan and see what you signed up for. We are trusting it isn't a tent on Bear Mountain.

    I think this adventure will bring many memories that you could have never gotten anywhere else. And as you know sometimes one door must close in order for another to open. That is just how life works. But oh the fun you will have.

    I only wish Japan was located near Kansas City or Chicago. I haven't quite wrapped my arms around not being able to get to you in a few hours. Kelli in NC was enough of a challenge. But at least I could do a long weekend. With you will take a weekend just to get to you. That is not a comforting thought.

    Anyway, keep blogging. There are lots of people who will want to see what Kim sees on her next adventure in life.

    I love you hon,


  4. Hey Kim!

    Wow! Time seems to have crept up so fast... Only 17 days until another adventure begins for you! I have no doubt that it will be an amazing journey for you, you will have a fantastic time and see what the world has to offer you :)

    Just wanted to wish you well and that I'll be thinking of you. Will keep reading your blog for your adventures, as I've always been fascinated with the Japanese culture and will be able to live it through you :)

    All aboard for the adventure of a lifetime! :)

    Take care hun,
    Love Shell xx

    (PS: Had a wee giggle to myself about your Mum's comment about tents and Bear Mountain! hahaha!)

  5. i'm very excited to real all about you! you are on my google reader so i won't miss a beat!

  6. Way to go starting a blog! I'll be reading too. I can't wait to hear about your experiences. I forgot to say goodbye to you when I saw you today...sorry. It kind of snuck up on me. Have a GREAT trip.

  7. I can't believe it's so soon!!! Thank goodness for blogs and facebook!

  8. Hi Kim, I wish you all the best in Japan. I have experienced the peace that passeth understanding this year. God opened a door for Stan to move to Dallas. Even though it has left a void in my life it has been easier to accept knowing it is God's plan that he be there. Everything that happened showed God's hand was in his move. He is happy and I am at peace knowing it was in God's time and hands. Love you, Nancy

  9. Hey Kim - I'm so excited to be able to "follow you" to Japan through your blog. I know God has awesome adventures in store for you as you trust His plan for your life. I think you are very brave to make a leap like this and I can't wait to see and read about all the opportunities you will have very soon. The Iowa McGarvey's will be praying for you every day!!!
    Love you.

  10. I am thrilled to be able to follow your adventures in Japan! Just imagine how much YOU will be learning while you teach others. That's one of the best parts of teaching. I wish you God's speed on your journey and His blessings when you arrive there.
