After lunch we went back to the campuses and met a bunch of the older teachers. I do not think I remember one name..there are so many of them! I did finally get to see Sarah King today! After she got off work she came over and we hung out for a while before dinner. We went to dinner at the school. It was some kind of noodles. Wasn't bad. They also read a chapter out of the Bible at dinner as well, which was interesting. I was in bed at 9 last night and up at 7:30 this morning. I am feeling a little sluggish, but really, I think I beat jet lag a bit.
Today, we had a meeting with the principal. Then we went out back to the playground of the school. Let me just tell you that these schools put every playground I have ever seen to shame. They have amazing slides. I mean, lawsuits waiting to happen in America. Today, we went down a 30 meter slide! Not 30 feet..30 meters! They have a net about three feet in front of the bottom to catch you from falling down the hill if you can't brake enough. It was super fun!! They have the tallest slides ever. And amazing playground equipment. Here are a couple pictures of the 30 meter slide. It really doesn't do it justice though!!
Tonight, Sarah and I went to an Italian restaurant. It was about a 15 minute walk...I'm going to have to get used to walking everywhere! We also went into some shops. They have this one store, 100 yen store. Which is the equivalent of our dollar stores. However, this store has EVERYTHING. It is so cool! I could spend so much time in there! Some stuff is a little more than 100 yen, but for the most part it's all about a dollar. They have everything though. Dishes, rugs, food, makeup, everything. Cute stuff. :)
I learned three words in Japanese tonight. Thank you, excuse me, and please. I have no idea how to spell them..but, I can say them! I also learned that you aren't supposed to hand your money to a cashier. You are supposed to lay it in this little tray that they have. I guess they don't like touching your hand. Weird. That will take some getting used to. Anyway, I made it to 11:00 tonight! I really think I'm doing well as far as jet lag goes. But, I am ready for bed! Tomorrow we have the day off. It's a national holiday. So I am going downtown with some girls. Then tonight they are taking us bowling and then having a welcome party for all of the new teachers. Should be a fun day! Goodnight from Japan!
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