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I'm currently teaching English in Japan and traveling when I can. I don't want to forget anything. So, I try to blog. This is my life.

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Nothing too exciting

Wow, time goes by so fast and I completely forget to blog. Not that anything too terribly exciting has happened since my last blog. This past weekend, I went out for Sara's birthday Friday. Which..as a follow-up on that amazing Italian food I was going to get. Can I just say one word. Disappointment. Geez. I ordered Parmesan cheese riscotta or something. I have no idea. It sounded like cheesy pasta, which sounded amazingly good. Well, imagine my disappointment when it came out and was cheesy rice. Ugh! Rice. I eat rice like every single day (well, it seems that way). Needless to say, Sarah and I are going to go back to that restaurant sometime soon so I can actually get some good pasta.

Saturday Sarah and I went shopping. We went downtown and were gone for six and a half hours! I could not believe it. I bought a lot of miscellaneous things. A baking pan, things for my classroom, Kraft macaroni and cheese (from the import store, yum!) and a bunch of other little stuff. Oh, I also bought a world map. However, it is backwards. North America is on the right hand side instead of the left. Weird. Threw me off a little bit, but I guess it isn't really backwards to the people living here. Who knows.

Saturday night we had a get together for Sara and a couple other teachers who have birthdays this month. It was fun. Everyone brought snacks, and we played games. Catch phrase. I like that game, especially when you play with close friends because they tend to get your way of thinking!

Sunday was a lazy day for the most part. We had fellowship Sunday night, which was a good time. Just got together, sang some worship songs, a short message, a testimony, communion. We also ate dinner together. I think I am going to try a church this Sunday morning. I would really like to get involved in one.

Monday I taught the other K-4 class. Half of those kids will be mine in April. The day went really well. I think it will be interesting mixing the kids from each class. There is a different atmosphere and dynamic to each room. I am anxious to see how that all comes together in my room. I must say though, I am truly falling in love with my kids. They aren't even my kids yet! They are bunnies and puppies for another two weeks!

Speaking of two weeks..I leave for South Korea in exactly two weeks from today. I am getting excited about that. We will be going to the biggest church in the world, the DMZ (demilitarized zone), cheap shopping (hopefully some good knock-off stuff) and there is even a beach we are going to try to go to. I am not sure what else is on the agenda, but hopefully it will be a fun trip.

Today I taught one K-5 class and tomorrow I will teach the other one. Today went really well, which surprised me since going into it I didn't know hardly any of the kids names. That always makes me nervous. But, things went really smoothly.

I went to the dentist yesterday, I can tell a difference in how I bite down now. She evened out my bite. Hopefully it will relieve some of the pressure on my jaws and teeth. Which, the past few days have been much much better! Just kind of a dull ache, which I can honestly handle. Thanks for the prayers!

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